Behind the Scenes of a Five Day Video and Photo Shoot

What’s a five day photo and video shoot like? Here are a few behind the scenes shots from our recent photo and video shoot for Visit Dean Wye DMO.
Five days, 37 locations, 32 businesses, three models, seven volunteers, one photographer, one videographer, one assistant… and me! It was an epic production and the result is six inspiring short films and hundreds of professional new photos to help encourage people to visit this wonderful, eclectic area.
Given that we shot in January and February, we were relatively lucky with the weather. It was toe-numbingly cold most days. One morning the fog was so thick we couldn’t see more than a couple of metres in front of us and frost covered the ground until late morning. But a few times the sun shone and the clouds cleared and we had the most beautiful blue skies and golden light.
You can see the results including all six films, some of the beautiful photos and all five new itineraries at:
Campaigns, Client successes, Marketing, The Wyedean, Tourism